I was turning 40! Oh gawwwd..I couldn't believe I was about to lose teeth specifically designed to improve my smile..bump that!.."preventive maintenance" was key, brushing and flossing became more of a religion. Quite frankly it wasn't funny NO MO..too many men I'd known that didn't have Hockey or MMA as a hobby/career were 'bald mouf' (as Sandra Kay would so eloquently put it). It was something that deftly scared the 'ish' out of me.I tend to smile TOO D$MN MUCH! Not to mention I did my share of watching t.v as a kid. plus I really enjoy sports. There was no stopping it from where I was sitting. The Jefferson's (George) and Good Times 'ain't we lucky we got'em'(James..James..JAMES!) was in heavy rotation at my crib.My ole' boy controlled the remote and t.v. guide with every d$mn thing circled already!) 'Money Mike' Jordan was walking on air in the 80's! and 90's with cool azz Bugs Bunny and he couldn't escape the hairline thing. I didn't know what to do! Once the dreaded DNA gene hit or better yet U-N-D-E-F-E-A-T-E-D Father Time. I'm a regular dude (like most) So I didn't have extra to splurge on implants, cosmetic surgeries or Spanx for men... OUT of the 'effin' question( try a mudrun, Crossfit..something that involves an ACTION verb..i.e running,dancing lifting..etc.stop limiting yourself saying you don't have time to improve on you). I watched and implemented examples of men that were aging gracefully..i.e.Harry Belafonte, Smokey Robinson,Rev.Timmie McNeese (My Grandfather)..all had tidbits of knowledge that helped. Then I added that special sauce.... ME! Who else did you think I was gonna say...