Age in this equation is magnified x's 2. The personal feeling across the board young to old as the seasons up top changed has been refreshing! Even where hair once flowed and the hairline taketh away. Weathering of skin becomes obvious. Even better, technology hasn't eliminated EVERYTHING. Some of us thinking and actually DOING...things! The old slogan "just do it" from a bygone era is still appreciated. Effort in society from men that still give a damn to challenge and challenges be dammed.( Heads up guys! guess who make up a vast part of our society.. ask yo mama)? There's a small part of envy I had for those that knew the who, The what and The why before they were adults. I felt rogue, All my actions were definitely resistant to the "Quo". I was living a version of Manhood witnessed directly from 'ole school' or an old fashioned way of thinking...