Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Process is yours to it..endure it..sigh..humility..That last one though..

You have it all figured out at this point don't you? How to input the proper steps thru information learned. Just plug 'THE' solution into said problem annnd..WTF!?!? Why is this happening.. What do you mean I can't type it into the search engine that knows ALL? That's not fair! How did "they" do it?.."They" didn't tell me to go that route/or it was going to be that hard(I've realized they and "I heard" is used so many times when asking someone to explain their own thoughts in general). Family and friends along the way helped me focus.. most times requiring me to pay attention and E-n-d-u-r-e...

Respect the fact that things will not quite work out how it was first drawn on paper. Your life(blueprint) is something that you'll revise a few times(ONLY! a few if you're lucky..) Also have the patience to deal with it as if your life depended on it.. oh! whaddya does..The process to happiness requires a dedication that you've only applied in small amounts..i.e..passing a test,or focusing those efforts on that job/promotion etc.. What were the small challenges and victories doing for you? Preparation..preparing you to evolve into eventual happiness. The process is as long as it should be and as fluid as water. You may feel like you survived a #Ninjawarrior course at different stages throughout(you should). A lot of your personal process will be roads less traveled, 'The machine' or The man we ALL rage against at different times and those 'off the cuff'  spur of the moments. We hope our lives are long and prosperous, but we all soon forget after high school is the long and bumpy journey ahead. What's your stamina like?...Your endurance is needed. I'm sorry this you we're talking about, Marathon ready is the answer! The only option, The other option is quitting Your endurance will require the use some of foresight(develop yours). Hindsight in this situation won't hurt, but you'll need to look ahead. Pay close attention to the BULLS**T  and snakes placed in your path disguised as 'people that mean you well or situations you need to take advantage of...It's virtually anything, the disguises are amazing you'll have to pay close attention..#maskoff. These will be the NECESSARY obstacles you'll face continually.Your survival is predicated on your endurance the entire process period. Humility in my process came early and often. As I grew into an adult my 1st. real job at 18 was the #military. Instantly humbled is the rest of that answer.. Humility is a quality I've seen lacking by the truckloads, but a trait that direly needs to be explored in detail. The size amount varies with each encounter and Individual. There's no set amount, but use often and as needed should be stamped on the label. When I'm humbled in my process, not every incident was/is meant to do harm. I was able to use those times as teaching moments and learning curves. As I learned a bit more I was able to understand it was all a process.. apart of YOUR process,That's why they call it a process. That last part though...Millennium Man my2cents I'm out..

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