Monday, November 18, 2013

The Pain in the A$$ guy!!!

The pain... the person that chafes areas of your body you can't soothe in know'em. Even when in your presence it hurts your feelings not to lay hands on them(I've just seen Due I know you've warned this person about when you see red) The most baffling thing about this person is they know and could care less about being "phucking" annoying to anyone within earshot. Anything serious going on and they seem to find time to crack an inappropriate joke/gesture(I was just playing is the quote of the moment or a dumbfounded expression of I just 'shat' my pants look on their face). No one takes you remotely serious, why you ask?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The "Nice guy" that finishes first..

I've noticed the tide has changed. The whole movement is sort know..suspect? I'm pleased... and IIIII like it! The whole cliche' of nice guys finishing last! became one for good reason. We've all seen this shinning moments' favorite nice guy actor James Marsden (sorry but the shoe fits) figuratively speaking... get the "Heisman to the grill"! In a lot of movies JUST for smiling and being a nice guy! Even all around do-gooder and super nice guy Superman(Returns) couldn't resist a chance to 'chump' Mr. Nice Guy. He shows back up on the scene after being gone for awhile lets just say, politely and with a smile(no doubt) hands Mr. nice guy another undeserved "Heisman to the grill" and leaves with Lois! go figure.
Leave it to the evolution of times and listening to Dr. Phil! I'm no Nostradamus, I'm not even Cleo! but the prediction of nice guys finishing last is/has become passe'(see once again Dr. Phil) I remember  years back It was 'Hip to be square'(Huey Lewis and the News circa 1987). At times when we least expect it, WHAM!..woogedy boogedy...Times change and not always for the better, this time though it's for the better(my 2 cents). Men, I know you hear the outcry in all forums, because I do that chivalry is not dead! Why not better your chances? If there's so much of a demand on something. We(men) are obviously the world's 'supplier'...I'm waiting for the 1+1= 2 thing to kick in... Once that happens read Two more blogs, you should be o.k. by morning, repeat as needed...You're welcome.MM

Monday, August 19, 2013

Be a man..and Be the Man...Always

Enough already! The contemplation of what's a man to do in these social and politically correct times...enough! I'm tired of hearing the complaints damn it! Do I take the initiative or not? Should I ask her out or continue texting her being goofy as HELL..Do I pay for the date like it's corny to be a gentleman? hmm.. seems to me that was part of how men(inserted here for ownership and responsibility purposes) got the girl way, way back in the day..pre-internet/cellphone'(hint: you're interested that's why you want to/asked her out I'm assuming)...Before I was thought of, there was a superstar by the name of "Marty Mcfly" from Back to the Future fame(look it up youngn') grabbed his Ben Wa's...Yep! He gave ye ole confidence boosters' a tug and the rest shall we say made a classic movie. Whether pushed or prodded he initiated a sequence of events. Be a man...Be the man..always. If you really think about it, that statement can be applied to most if not ANY situation, and by all likely hood continually evolve. But to regress on the basics of how to ask someone out and should you pay the check? Must be a lapse in judgement..that cannot be what we've resorted to as men of today. What I've been hearing is gibberish right?..right?.

Friday, August 16, 2013

No more...All Hale the Ball fro?

In my mind I'm like BRUH...why am I addressing this. It's 2000 something or another! Personally I feel like there's been an all out attack on women and their hairless/sculpted nether regions since the Internet age.(mid 90's give or take not the point) My personal preference is..who cares.  America has obviously taken great interest in polling the data and it has occurred to me that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The immediate and overwhelming response...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Above the knee. below the knee..make up your mind please!!.. stay tuned while I"splain lucy"!!

Aha! I have someones attention, It's not just conjecture.The thought provoking images the title brings forth lands directly where it should. On the eyes and between the ears of 'men of a certain age'(and our curious women..that will let them know..gotta love the curiosity..I sure do). The term is what is used to categorize us gentleman pass the point of some fashion excuses. It's definitely a want thing as with most things.Above the knee shorts is where you should start investing if all of your casual shorts resemble basketball shorts(below the knee.. for the challenged). Your mid to late 20's is good place to start if you need more details of what 'men of a certain age' I'm referencing. Not to say you should chuck all of your 'gaucho style' shorts, they can/will still be worn.But, If you want to look like you're in the millennium and not caught in 'throwback life' please by all means continue #iverson. Clothes are fitting better, that's not by mistake folks...

Above the knee. below the knee..make up your mind please!!.. stay tuned while I"splain lucy"!!

Aha! I have someones attention, It's not just conjecture.The thought provoking images the title brings forth lands directly where it should. On the eyes and between the ears of 'men of a certain age'(and our curious women..that will let them know..gotta love the curiosity..I sure do). The term is what is used to categorize us gentleman pass the point of some fashion excuses. It's definitely a want thing as with most things.Above the knee shorts is where you should start investing if all of your casual shorts resemble basketball shorts(below the knee.. for the challenged). Your mid to late 20's is good place to start if you need more details of what 'men of a certain age' I'm referencing. Not to say you should chuck all of your 'gaucho style' shorts, they can/will still be worn.But, If you want to look like you're in the millennium and not caught in 'throwback life' please by all means continue #iverson. Clothes are fitting better, that's not by mistake folks...

Above the knee. below the knee..make up your mind please!!.. stay tuned while I"splain lucy"!!

Aha! I have someones attention, It's not just conjecture.The thought provoking images the title brings forth lands directly where it should. On the eyes and between the ears of 'men of a certain age'(and our curious women..that will let them know..gotta love the curiosity..I sure do). The term is what is used to categorize us gentleman pass the point of some fashion excuses. It's definitely a want thing as with most things.Above the knee shorts is where you should start investing if all of your casual shorts resemble basketball shorts(below the knee.. for the challenged). Your mid to late 20's is good place to start if you need more details of what 'men of a certain age' I'm referencing. Not to say you should chuck all of your 'gaucho style' shorts, they can/will still be worn.But, If you want to look like you're in the millennium and not caught in 'throwback life' please by all means continue #iverson. Clothes are fitting better, that's not by mistake folks...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Man's bestfriend...If you're lucky you may have more than one..(technically)

Man's best friend... I personally have two! I would like to take this time to brag about. Recently I've had a few tragedy's in my life that required me to "relax and take notes". Heartbreak along with unsure footing of what to do or where to turn. Had me contemplating using my passport(like #Kanye after the Taylor Swift situation) I just needed to get away and a snicker wouldn't cut it. Advice came pouring in from different areas of how to handled it and what not. Nothing seemed to work...until..My best friends stepped in..

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You better" Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self"..then CHEKMATE..says...who?

The catchphrase I'm talking about that's everywhere nowadays was 1st. uttered by a young lion back when it needed to be said(Google it O'shea..I mean Okay!). Today it needs to be said again!!! The obvious reasons have been displayed across all media outlets and microwaved relationship "hook up' shows. ALL of us(that are single that is) are so ready for the right person to walk through that door and say something witty that sets them apart from 'errbody' else. Wishful thinking at best but hey! No judging here. I'm speaking mostly to the curious individuals that's baffled about their current state(or lack there of) love life. Check yourself before you wreck yourself means exactly how it sounds....
Self evaluation is the hardest for most of us to come face to face with but it's so necessary. The self evaluation of growth that I'm talking about has nothing to do with your physical appearance, what you own,the size of your pinata(s), or bank account. Your own self confidence should be high, because life is intoxicating. But are you realistic with yourself about...well..YOU. The criteria we want out of our significant other is a 'wishful thinking' list in my humbled opinion. Truth is laughter,compromise and happiness has been a working formula(amongst other things) when I've asked couples that STILL enjoy themselves after 10-15plus years together married or not...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

MEELS!!!..oh GEEZ! sleep off that hangover on your own time! We need to speak...quickly!

I've worn boots(Cowboy,Durango,Timberlands..etc.) for as long as I can remember and will continue. At no time did I or anyone else ever refer to them as heels..or shall I say Meels!?!?...Oh God! I'm sorry and apologize for using the Lords name blatantly unexpected, but those were the first words that fell out of my mouth! I ran across an article claiming THIS to be the NEXT big thing for today's' men. #Ladies..

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Celebrity phone convo?

Watching reality t.v. has it's perks at times. There are things that we as a public are enamored with( the whole watching a  train wreck analogy fits here) t.m.i. means nothing nowadays though. Everyone feels like they have a right to know all of your personal business, and for some reason as time has did the seismic shift under our feet. We tend to indulge everyone's need to know...RITE NOW. I get it! I really do. curiosity is a 'mofo' .You can't tempt me with a gut wrenching laugh or a brain teaser as to why someone is considering having yet another charity event and their house is in foreclosure???

Friday, April 26, 2013

OWN it! for the MOMENT..and do it proud..No re-inventing classics...

There's nothing worse than taking a classic and ruining that 'thing'...the very essence that made it noteworthy before you were introduced. Once in your evil clutches you can re-introduce with flair(slightly)..own it for the moment..and do It proud. Lesson #1.gents, for those that don't have a clue...You never upstage a classic anything!..ever..You surround a classic with personal pieces to enhance and add YOU...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Most Interesting man in the room named???(Your name)

Where as this topic goes hand in hand with your personality.You can harness your skills of multitasking by working on both simultaneously. Try being a bit more interesting, along with improving your personality. Because, You always have spare time for yourself. Enhance the old you and add some useful substance creating a layering effect...and how's it go... #BAM!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

"My fragrance is on.... and they Love my smell...

Wow! that statement alone. I just haaaad to make it the title on my latest blog post. I splashed on 'confidence' this morning( as a matter of fact make that err morning). Since the earlier days when my mother was slathering me in Vaseline/saliva to get the look she approved of before I left her eyesight(mom's prerogative) I know it bites...a$$! Don't get me wrong though, she taught me to do my due diligence when It comes to finding the perfect concoction of 'smell good' to go along with my confidence. But confidence is what my mama gave me before #game,#swag or izzle became the words to use in its place. All things being fair and equal we know different . In elementary school we all had a friend that had to shave just to look like a student! Parents complained and wanted his birthday verified(sorry #Lebron).....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Love Love Love!! American Style..well sort of...interested?

I may have dated myself slightly with the title of this hit t.v show of the late 60's early 70's. Who cares at this point. I'm appreciative to be able to recall such classic nostalgia. My point though has nothing to do with the t.v. show. I grew up in an Era where fathers(or maybe it was just mine) grunted and hit you with the 'head nod', or maybe a 'knuckle nookie' and a love tap in the chest as acknowledgement of LOVE..

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Personality...sigh..Why be the Only person you know without one...

We can all agree that being handsome(or lack thereof) is in the eyes of the beholder. Cosmetic surgery has spiked over the years, but not for you Mr. The mere mention will earn you the Heisman pose..once again! pointed directly at you,palm fully extended(contact to the nose and chin should be EXPECTED).honesty here, a new wardrobe and weight loss will only get you so far. If people still refer to you as Capt.D@#$head as you walk up, or a mass text is sent out about the the A-S-S..hole!..

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hell has finally frozen over and Meggings! are the prime culprit..

I listened and learned some things back when I was a rebel and thought I had a cause. Everythings' not for everyone. I wasn't born in the time when men wore wigs(I'm good on that). Where does the insanity stop. It seems as though the fashion 'powers that be' has run amok! They've run out of fresh ideas to liven up Mens' fashion...