Where as this topic goes hand in hand with your personality.You can harness your skills of multitasking by working on both simultaneously. Try being a bit more interesting, along with improving your personality. Because, You always have spare time for yourself. Enhance the old you and add some useful substance creating a layering effect...and how's it go... #BAM!!!!
Interesting + person(ality)... You're welcome. Time spent working on self- improvement will be worth it. Life's a marathon. I mean.... I plan on living as long as the man above allows me. I figure that's everyone's thought process. Sooo, like I said it will always be useful. Plus! you may get picked to replace the cool guy in the #DosEquis commercials...dude is too cool..um 'my bad', too Interesting James Bond(squared !) You need to realistically try to expand your horizons. I'm not saying every man need to have traveled outside of the good ole' U.S. of A. but, I will say outside of your state!( NO! not on the run..fool) If for nothing else to see for yourself how the rest of the "commoners" live. Don't live your whole life virtual..
Daddy, I swear, guys need to take note