Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You better" Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self"..then CHEKMATE..says...who?

The catchphrase I'm talking about that's everywhere nowadays was 1st. uttered by a young lion back when it needed to be said(Google it O'shea..I mean Okay!). Today it needs to be said again!!! The obvious reasons have been displayed across all media outlets and microwaved relationship "hook up' shows. ALL of us(that are single that is) are so ready for the right person to walk through that door and say something witty that sets them apart from 'errbody' else. Wishful thinking at best but hey! No judging here. I'm speaking mostly to the curious individuals that's baffled about their current state(or lack there of) love life. Check yourself before you wreck yourself means exactly how it sounds....
Self evaluation is the hardest for most of us to come face to face with but it's so necessary. The self evaluation of growth that I'm talking about has nothing to do with your physical appearance, what you own,the size of your pinata(s), or bank account. Your own self confidence should be high, because life is intoxicating. But are you realistic with yourself about...well..YOU. The criteria we want out of our significant other is a 'wishful thinking' list in my humbled opinion. Truth is laughter,compromise and happiness has been a working formula(amongst other things) when I've asked couples that STILL enjoy themselves after 10-15plus years together married or not...
Now Checkmate! I've always seen people together and wondered why? If you did not like..not love..like things about the person while you're with them. Why not try(operative word) to gradually groom that person into someone likeable for public consumption (yep! I know they hate collard shirts or love leopard print err*d*mn*thi*g). but don't be afraid to check your mate on certain things that's obviously rude, in bad taste or just plain ole' trashy. We tend to shoot the messenger initially. But, if it's helping them grow as a person..continue. I'm sure you would want someone to help you out of the darkness if you were not in your area of expertise and it helped you better understand/negotiate life and it's many obstacle. No difference or at least that's the way I meant it "check yo'self..then checkmate..MM

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