Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friends! How many of us have them...

I mean the real kind! The boundary between real(ity)and virtual friends has s-l-o-w-l-y become a #blurredline in some of our minds. The rate in which people are acquiring "friends"on social media speaks for itself. Some think posting 'errthang' that comes to mind, or a bunch of likes and you're somehow kindred spirits.The X amount of "thumbs up" and smiley faces that people..."shiiit! bad",. FRIENDS! (got to be more careful,I nearly offended a generation) click in your direction, The more and more SHARING you do?!?
Nowadays the landscape of America has changed before our very eyes. This post became special to me in the middle of writing. I had an unannounced guest show up on my doorstep after 25yrs...
Tongue tied and speechless I stared back at a face that I hadn't seen since I was in high school. One of my closest friends since childhood drove 400+ miles on a! First thing I thought about was the race he"claims" he beat me in because of a false start..Let's rock #marriedwithchildren #bloodonthedancefloor) All playing aside,we found each other just two weeks prior on Facebook. Instant nostalgia! Without saying a word our faces spoke volumes and brought waves of memories. Likes,thumbs up and shares will never quite feel like a smile or reminiscing of past mischief's and shenanigans. I had to ask him again after a few hours of catching up."Are you in town for business for real?" His reply was no..I wanted to see my friend... I was humbled to say the least. It also made me look inward and ask questions? Namely: What type of friend are you? Followed by:Do you consider yourself a real/good friend?*Disclaimer* individual(s) was harmed after wife made sure of a great visit with his friend and safe return. I'm assuming because of no prior knowledge of impromptu trip #hindsight. We laughed about it later and he admitted it was well worth the 2 "Moe" slaps to the back of the noggin Google Three Stooges..**Double note**Bonus points or at least a cool teaching moment if you can name what group sings the title song.... It's A pair of 80's hip hop impresarios. YouTube the song you may learn something..MM

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