Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Please..... do "NOT" confuse yourself, she knows EXACTLY what she wants...

Let's play a game, ask a woman.... ANY WOMAN!!! what she wants to eat? You may get some inaudible sounds of mumbling and then she's going to say "it doesn't matter whatever you want",with that little cute smirk and those pretty doe eyes. You will make a 'stooopid' decision and pick something. This would be a soon as you suggest something she will politely say "Oh Hale NO!!!anything but that. Then you will do it again as if you are stuck on 'stooopid' and once again she will politely SHUT YOU DOWN! Always remember the #1 rule.. it's not always about you, annnnd she knows EXACTLY what she wants most of the time and hoping you pick it, best case scenario...just humor her and go back n forth with her until she tells you what she wants!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, here's where we have to diverge on agreement just for a second, MM. As the quintessential GBF (for those unfamiliar, the "gay best friend") I have figured this out a long time ago, and have been sworn to secrecy. However, sometimes I have to betray my ladies. Let's face it, I love you all, but when it comes to heterosexual men, you get away with BLOODY MURDER most of the time. And it is around this time every year that my heart goes out to the str8 fellas. So here it goes, the secret:

    Sometimes she doesn't know. In fact, a LOT of times, she doesn't know.

    I know, it defies all male experience with dealing with women. After all, the default clause is typically, "she is right, and if it ever comes into question, she is still right or else you will end up on the couch anyway." But there are times, as in this example, that the beloved lady companion does not know exactly what she wants. Many times her exquisite, fine, and oh so particular tastes have limited her options to the point that she has simply run out of ideas. This is both a blessing and a curse to you, oh Prince Charming, as it puts you on the spot and forces you to come to the rescue with a refreshing, brilliant idea to save the day. And by "save the day" I of course mean something that she would approve of. She expects you to know her tastes so well, expects you to have kept a mental checklist of all the places you've gone and all the things she has responded well to as well as all the convenient options (and the not so convenient ones), so that you can be the "man" and make the choice.

    In short, sometimes she wants you to be her brilliant and powerful, sexy king and give her not only everything she asks for, but everything she could ever want. Pressure? Yes. Demanding? Hell yes. Unreasonable? Best believe. But this is not so different from what men have been subjecting the ladies to for the tenure of Western Civilization. Suffice it to say, the "she knows what she wants but won't tell me" game is sometimes her little way of subjecting you to a small fraction of what she undergoes on a daily basis.

    MM, you and your privileged students are wise to humor her. If a man reaches this point in the companionship, it means that she trusts you to think like her for just a moment. And that kind of trust is a very difficult thing to give.

    So, my heterosexual male brethren, LISTEN TO THE WOMAN. She might not know what she wants, but I promise you, she has told you countless times in the past and it will not save you from the consequences of a stupid decision!

    Rule no. V, out.
